GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Rough Cut Feedback

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Rough Cut Feedback


- shaking
- variety of shots
- shakey camera, looks like the other people on the bus are supposed to be in the video, by the camerawork which wasokay.
- Good walking down steps & close up of over the shoulder of ipod.


- a lot of darkness
- cut well, woth walking down bus, from both angles.


- none
- could possibly use fade in effects or split screen with more footage.

Mise en scene

- good choice
- like the bus set up
- worked well on the bus
- love the costume (sexy!)


- well performed
- Interesting set up!!
- good pressing ipod, then song comes on
- good performance


- very clear and flows well
- flows well
- good, always wearing same costumes.

Overall Comments

- needs more footage
- need to get rid of diegetic sound in background + needs more fotage.
- need to get rid of background noise and more footage
- need to add the rest of footage but looks good start so far.



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