GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Peer feedback

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Peer feedback

We got some feedback from people in our class, here it is:

A question that the class answered for us was "what could we improve on our blog?" Here is the feedback for this question...

- We should include more images of the band and explore the band's target audience (perhaps through myspace?) To be really clear on what their target audience is. Perhaps explore mise en scene for it???

- Test footage

- Call sheet

Another question the we got feedback on was "Is there any evidence in the blog that the group has: Completed background research, organised personnel, locations, equipment for shooting? Developed ides since the initial concept?"
the answer to the first question is yes. for developed ideas since the initial concept we have contacted the band which showed in our feedback as a good thing. In-particular the fact that we have also got the support of the band impressed our analyser's.

we were given an overall rating for our blog. The possible outcomes were:
Level 1 - poor planning 0-9 marks
Level 2 - adequate planning 10-16 marks
Level 3 - Proficient planning 12-23 marks
Level 4 - Excellent planning 24-30 marks

We scored level 4 from everyone who looked at our blog.

We are pleased with the outcome of our feedback. :)

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