GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Shot list

Friday 26 September 2008

Shot list

opening shot = medium shot of elephant on bus. (music not play. bus noises)

close up of elephant putting head phones on.

close up of elephants ipod and see the elephant turn the song on. as the elephant presses play the music begins.

back to a close up of the elephant wearing headphones but this time it will be bobbing his head in time to the music.

long shot of the elephant standing up.

medium shot from behind the elephant as it walks off the bus. camera follows the elephant.

long shot of the bus as it stops.

medium shot of the doors opening and the elephant stepping off.

long shot of the elephant walking off into town.

medium shot of the elephant dancing around a pole.

long shot of the elephant jumping in the air showing that he is happy.


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