GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Location research!

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Location research!

the first part of our music video is shot on a bus. it will be shot on a bus that looks just like the one above and it will be a citi 7 so that we can travel to town for our second location whilst also filming and therefore "killing two birds with one stone".

for the majority of the rest of the video we will be shooting in cambridge town. below are some pictures of the different locations we may use. we are not entirely sure where we are goin to shoot every shot because we don't not what will be happening in town on the day we shoot so we will go with the flow.

there is also a small possibility we will include some footage from a cage the elephant gig. if we do so the gig will be held at the junction. below ar some pictures of inside the venue.



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