GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: time line of shots.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

time line of shots.

introduction - where's the elephant gone? show location, set the FUN mood.

first verse - WE FIND THE ELEPHANT! it's face jumps into the screen in sync with the first word.

bridge - perhaps the same thing every time as this part of the song is repeated three times throughout. the elephant holding sun and moon and acting out the words.

chorus - elephant dancing, causing trouble, at gig perhaps? having a good time!

second verse - elephant holding lyric boards and dropping them in sync.

bridge - same as the first bridge, perhaps a little altered.

chorus - elephant dancing, causing trouble, at gig perhaps? having a good time! in different location?

instrumental - peoples reactions to the elephant.

repeated words - people with signs saying "cage the elephant!"
IDEAIDEAIDEAIDEA!!!! we shoot footage of when people protesting against the elephant then place it into the back of a news room so that it looks like a live report. using green screen perhaps or a previous newsreport.

bridge = same as before.. sad elepant?

chorus + fasing guitar = sad elephant doesn't want to dance. shown behind bars.



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