GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Pitch

Wednesday 10 September 2008


written summary-
First of all we shall summarise what we think of the song; the song is one of the most upbeat of the list which interested us. We feel we can transfer the upbeat nature and general feel of the track into our music video. Would achieve this by using fast cuts when we edit our footage. Most of our scenes will move with the beat of the song to create a good flow and relationship between the sound and visuals.
We are also interested in the old school american style of the song. This triggered some in depth ideas for our video. There is also a touch of indie music in the song and we will hopefully integrate this into our project.
We will talk about the performers, props, locations and targets within our ideas.
our first idea was to have something similar to the Apple Ipod advert with performers silhouettes with very bright background colours. this would be acheived by using a green roomand then changing the colour of the background.

BIG NEWS! new member has joined the group. MICHELLE!
she has also bought a new idea with her...

someone is dressed up as an elephant and runs around town causing havock. we then film peoples reactions and what the elephant does. this leads to people protesting against the elephant with boards that say "cage the elephant". the elepahnt is then filmed behind bars as the end shot.
however, the costume will restrict our ability to lip sync. therefore we came up with the idea that the elephant can hold up boards and drop them in time to the music so that they match.



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