GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: pitch brainstorm- cage the elephant- soil to the sun

Tuesday 9 September 2008

pitch brainstorm- cage the elephant- soil to the sun

The music we have chosen is a mix between indie rock and old school american rock.

Ideas -

A similar style video to the ipod adverts in the sense that we would silhouette the performer(s) if possible.

The video would have to be able to suit the groove in the song.

sharper cuts

we could incorporate the american feel of the video - its sounds like a road trip song.

Look at the lyrics and see whether we can create ideas from these... as inspiration.

Tribute to old school american music.

By looking at one of cage the elephants videos, we have the idea to have a big screen projection of old american rock legends with our own performance in the foreground. (yet to think of something for our own performance)


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