GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: November 2008

Wednesday 12 November 2008



Music video class feedback

We received a lot of very helpful feedback,
Camera Work- Variety of shots, between real life shots for the narrative and the junction gig.

Editing- Colourful flashes, good sync with beat, Cartoons didnt fit with the genre of the song. Quick pace works well.

Mise-en-scene- Was well good (brittany) Good locations with the garages and the car park. Very well lit shots. Colorizing would help in real life shots to fit with gig performance.

performance/Record label demand- Live gig was very good. Floyd plays part of elephant well and convincing but could have been more enthusiastic. Not quite record label material.

Intertexuality- Animal breakdancing video, Bob Dylan

Lyrics and visuals- Papers, words on screen, caged elephants. Strong link

Music and visual- Good pace



Friday 7 November 2008

Update- Deadline day

We are just putting some finishing touches to our music video before we have to submit it. We had a great deal of success with floyd attending the Cage the elephant gig. This provided us with some amazing shots that we have integrated into the video. This has enhanced our video greatly giving it an essence of professionalism.
We have also decided to integrate a sort of comic book feel with come of our own writing in some shots.
There will be another update closer to the end of the editing stage.


Wednesday 5 November 2008

Cage the elephant gig 3/11/08 was awesome :)

I (floyd) got permission from the agents of the band and the junction to gain entry to the gig and film the band infront of the barrier. I got permission to film the first 3 songs, none of which were our song but at least we have some good footage of the band playing. This will help to piece together our final video.

Floyd :)

