GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: Music video class feedback

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Music video class feedback

We received a lot of very helpful feedback,
Camera Work- Variety of shots, between real life shots for the narrative and the junction gig.

Editing- Colourful flashes, good sync with beat, Cartoons didnt fit with the genre of the song. Quick pace works well.

Mise-en-scene- Was well good (brittany) Good locations with the garages and the car park. Very well lit shots. Colorizing would help in real life shots to fit with gig performance.

performance/Record label demand- Live gig was very good. Floyd plays part of elephant well and convincing but could have been more enthusiastic. Not quite record label material.

Intertexuality- Animal breakdancing video, Bob Dylan

Lyrics and visuals- Papers, words on screen, caged elephants. Strong link

Music and visual- Good pace




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