GROUP 02 - Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Cage the elephant gig 3/11/08 update

I have called the village media group and they have asked us to email one of their colleagues and we are now awaiting a reply.

Floyd :)


Tuesday 21 October 2008

Cage the elephant gig 3/11/08

I (floyd) emailed the junction (multi-functional venue) to ask permission to film cage the elephant when they do a gig there on the 3/11/08. I got a response from them saying that it wasnt there call and that we needed to contact the bands agents, village agency. They gave us a contact number and we will speak to them shortly.



Wednesday 15 October 2008

Feedback from teacher

Our teacher made these points to us after she viewed our video:

  • We need to improve our cutting, possibly speeding up in one or 2 areas
  • The video needs more energy
  • Cut shots to the beat, particularly at the bottom
We agree with our teachers feedback and are working to change this.


Tuesday 14 October 2008

slightly less rough cut!


Rough Cut Feedback


- shaking
- variety of shots
- shakey camera, looks like the other people on the bus are supposed to be in the video, by the camerawork which wasokay.
- Good walking down steps & close up of over the shoulder of ipod.


- a lot of darkness
- cut well, woth walking down bus, from both angles.


- none
- could possibly use fade in effects or split screen with more footage.

Mise en scene

- good choice
- like the bus set up
- worked well on the bus
- love the costume (sexy!)


- well performed
- Interesting set up!!
- good pressing ipod, then song comes on
- good performance


- very clear and flows well
- flows well
- good, always wearing same costumes.

Overall Comments

- needs more footage
- need to get rid of diegetic sound in background + needs more fotage.
- need to get rid of background noise and more footage
- need to add the rest of footage but looks good start so far.


Friday 10 October 2008

Rough Cut

Day Of shoot

In this post we will discuss how our shooting went on tuesday 7th.
We travelled into town to begin our shoot. On our way to the grafton centre we found a car park area which would be ideal for shooting the caged scene at the end in which the elephant is caged.
We shot this from various angles trying to find the most realistic possibility. We then decided to shoot an aerial shot in which we shot from the roof of the grafton centre down to the road below. We were circled by a helicopter which gave us a good idea. The idea that the chopper was following our elephant around the city because of the media who were around the elephant.
We then scouted for good areas to shoot our next part of the footage. From the car park roof we found an elevator that we could use to shoot a new idea. The idea was to stop the music and have the elephant in the elevator with elevator music to add a bit of humour and a break.
After this we decided to have a team meal at maccy d's with the intention to scout for new locations on the journey. We found a quiet street where the elephant would interact with the public (harry). This was also the location for our happy nice elephant. Where he picks up litter and recycles and reading the paper in a calm manner. We also used this area to shoot our Bob Dylan look alike scene with the lyrics on cards.
After this we attended a very high class team meal at macdonalds where floyd and michelle had weird, strange things to eat whereas chris and harry kept it simple with a vintage big mac.
We then went on to film our bus journey footage, it was pretty difficult to film as the bus was shakey and there wasn't much space, foolishly we did not anticipate this. Also filming the elephant leaving the bus was hard as we had to get off the bus first and quickly film floyd getting off. We got a few strange looks by general bus goers.
We returned to college and in the lesson the next day we continued to film aas michelle started to edit what we already had. We used this oppurtunity to film the elephant getting arrested and thrown in a cell/room. We also rounded up some peers to perform in our protest against the elephant. This shooting day went well and we returned to the class room to add what we just filmed.

All in all we had a very successful shoot but obviously with some hiccups.


Wednesday 1 October 2008

Response to feedback

Test Footage

The feedback we received, brought up some good points. We haven't yet shot any test footage which we plan to do this Friday, when, hopefully we have all our gear (mask). We want to try out shots so, on the day we can do more interesting shots without trial and error. Therefore we will be more time efficient. We also want to try out the last scene where the elephant is behind bars. We want to use a fence for this to see how it looks.

Other Feedback

We haven't done a call sheet, and some people want to see more information and pictures of the band and there target audience. This is easy to rectify and should be done in the near future


Peer feedback

We got some feedback from people in our class, here it is:

A question that the class answered for us was "what could we improve on our blog?" Here is the feedback for this question...

- We should include more images of the band and explore the band's target audience (perhaps through myspace?) To be really clear on what their target audience is. Perhaps explore mise en scene for it???

- Test footage

- Call sheet

Another question the we got feedback on was "Is there any evidence in the blog that the group has: Completed background research, organised personnel, locations, equipment for shooting? Developed ides since the initial concept?"
the answer to the first question is yes. for developed ideas since the initial concept we have contacted the band which showed in our feedback as a good thing. In-particular the fact that we have also got the support of the band impressed our analyser's.

we were given an overall rating for our blog. The possible outcomes were:
Level 1 - poor planning 0-9 marks
Level 2 - adequate planning 10-16 marks
Level 3 - Proficient planning 12-23 marks
Level 4 - Excellent planning 24-30 marks

We scored level 4 from everyone who looked at our blog.

We are pleased with the outcome of our feedback. :)

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